using System.Threading;

EKG Analysis and Interpretation Coaching

Step by Step - Analysis and Interpretation


In this quiz, users are sequentially presented with five analysis questions related to the displayed EKG tracing:

  • Rate
  • Rhythm
  • P Wave
  • PR Interval
  • QRS

Our 12 lead analysis considers additional EKG features.

ekg tracing example illustration


After all five analysis questions are answered, the final question is presented: interpretation of the EKG tracing.


Each correct analysis answer is worth one point; there are five analysis questions per tracing. Interpretation questions are worth an additional five points.

Begin EKG Analysis & Interpretation Quiz

Begin EKG 12 Lead Analysis & Interpretation Quiz

Authors and Sources

Authors and Reviewers


? v:1 | cc: | tar: False | onAr:0 | onPs:2 | tLb:0 | tLbJs:0
| pv: 1 uStat: False | db:0 | shouldInvoke:False | pu:False | em: | refreshTime: 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM || now: 5/20/2024 10:53:20 PM | firstPage: True
| statusStg: | cDbLookup# 0

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