Introduction to Clinical Electrophysiology and the ECG

Your online EKG class

A slide presentation prepared by Michael Mazzini, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital.


Lesson #1: Introduction


Lesson #2: Ion Movement

ion movement

Lesson #3: Basic Electrophysiology

basic electrophysiology

Lesson #4: Electrocardiology


Lesson #5: Electrocardiogram-Intro


Lesson #6: 12 Lead ECG

12 lead ecgt

Lesson #7: ECG Limb Leads

ecg limb leads

Lesson #8: 12 Lead ECG Interpretation

12 lead ecg interpretation

Lesson #9: Determining Heart Rate

determining heart rate

Lesson #10: Rhythm


Lesson #11: QRS Axis

qrs axis

Lesson #12: Intervals


Lesson #13: QRS Complex

qrs complex

Lesson #14: ST Segment & T Wave

st segment & t wave

Lesson #15: Bundle Branch Block

bundle branch block

Lesson #16: Ventricular Hypertrophy

ventricular hypertrophy

Lesson #17: Atrial Enlargement

atrial enlargement

Lesson #18: Premature Beats

premature beats

Lesson #19: References


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