Cardiac Rhythms EKG Interpretation | EKG.Academy

Your online EKG class

Cardiac Rhythm Analysis

Thomas E. O'Brien


Update July, 2021. this module now includes a quiz that becomes available after the user reviews all module contents. Passing the quiz grants a certificate of achievement

At the conclusion of this training module the reader will be able to:

  • Recall the following:
    • Time is represented horizontally
    • Voltage/amplitude is represented vertically on the graph paper
    • Each small box has a time value of 0.04 second
    • Each large box has a time value of 0.20 second
    • Standard paper speed is 25mm/sec and can be adjusted
    • Standard calibration is 10mm/mV and can be adjusted
  • Recognize the difference between regular and irregular rhythms
  • Utilize proper method for determining heart rate
  • Properly describe P wave and recall the origin of the electrical activity
  • Accurately measure the PR interval and recall the normal range
  • Properly describe the QRS complex and recall what this electrical event represents
  • Accurately measure QRS complex and recall the normal range

Course Completion

Registered users can earn a EKG certificate of achievement for this module by reading all content and then earning a passing score on this module's quiz.

Completed modules and related scores can be viewed on the dashboard.

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