Sinus Tachycardia EKG Interpretation with Rhythm Strip
EKG Features
Rate: Fast (> 100 bpm)Rhythm: Regular
P Wave: Normal, may merge with T wave at very fast rates
PR Interval: Normal (0.12-0.20 sec)
QRS: Normal (0.06-0.10 sec)
Occurs when the rate of electrical impulse formation occurs at a rate exceeding 100 bpm.
Sinus tachycardia is a fast rhythm with sinoatrial node impulses greater than 100 beats per minute. Heart rate varies normally with age, with infants and young children having fast rates. Sinus tachycardia is a normal response during exercise and when under stress. Many other factors will cause sinus tachycardia including heart failure, COPD, fever and stimulants.
Sinus Tachycardia EKG Interpretation Example

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