Premature Junctional Complex EKG Interpretation with Rhythm Strip

EKG Features

Rate: The underlying rate
Rhythm: Regular with premature beats
P Wave: Present before, during (hidden) or after QRS, if visible it is inverted
PR Interval: Absent or short
QRS: Normal (0.06-0.10 sec)
Change in the morphology of the P wave (inverted if it can be seen)PJC’s can occur occasionally or frequently with or without a pattern. The P wave may occur before or after the QRS complex or be buried within the QRS.
Premature junctional contractions (PJC) are early heart beats originating from the AV junction. Occasional PJCs are common in otherwise healthy patients.
Emergency Medical

Premature Junctional Complex EKG Interpretation Example

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Authors, Reviewers and Developers EKG rhythms classes: Thomas O'Brien.
EKG monitor simulation: Steve Collmann
12 Lead Lecture: Dr. Michael Mazzini, MD, Cardiologist.
Spanish EKG: Breena R. Taira, MD, MPH
Medical review: Dr. Jonathan Keroes, MD, Cardiologist,
Dr. Barbara Erickson, PhD, RN, CCRN.
EKG tracings review: Dr. Pedro Azevedo, MD, Cardiology
Last Update: 11/10/2022

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