Pacemaker Single Chamber Atrial EKG Interpretation with Rhythm Strip

EKG Features

Rate: 60 bpm
Rhythm: Regular
P Wave: Normal
PR Interval: Normal
QRS: Normal
Identified by the conspicuous presence of a pacing spike immediately preceding the P wave. They may be below or above the isoelectric line or be partially above and below.
Identified by the conspicuous presence of a pacing spike immediately preceding the P wave. They may be below or above the isoelectric line or be partially above and below.
External Source:

Pacemaker Single Chamber Atrial EKG Interpretation Example

ekg rhythm strip for reference guide

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Authors, Reviewers and Developers EKG rhythms classes: Thomas O'Brien.
EKG monitor simulation: Steve Collmann
12 Lead Lecture: Dr. Michael Mazzini, MD, Cardiologist.
Spanish EKG: Breena R. Taira, MD, MPH
Medical review: Dr. Jonathan Keroes, MD, Cardiologist,
Dr. Barbara Erickson, PhD, RN, CCRN.
EKG tracings review: Dr. Pedro Azevedo, MD, Cardiology
Last Update: 11/10/2022

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