Free Lessons for Heart and Lung Sounds

Access to the content described on this page is completely free for students and instructors. Just follow the links. Optionally, free registration provides progress tracking across user sessons. Instructors can track student progress and quiz scores using a special instructor dashboard page.

We have just updated two new learning resources, available on our sister websites. About 12 hours of free training on Point-Of-Care Ultrasound and 4000 medical flashcards with a free spaced repetition app.

heart and lungs image


Free EKG training is available from Practical Clinical Skills website. This includes several training modules. Each of these modules includes lecture materials as well as interactive exercises within the lessons. Most modules include an EKG rhythm quiz. Users have the option of using a dashboard to track module completion and quiz results.

EKG Basics

Learn the basics of EKGs terminology and interpretation. An entry-level quiz provides practice drills for EKG analysis.

EKG Basics

Rhythm Interpretation

Learn the fundamental concepts and methods for EKG interpretation. Interactive questions and answers are available throughout the module.

EKG Interpretation

Sinus Rhythms

Learn about the important features of sinus rhythms. Practice drills are available within the module and a quiz concludes the course.

Sinus Rhythms

Atrial Rhythms

Learn about atrial rhythms by using our free module. Practice drills are available within the module and a quiz concludes the course.

Atrial Rhythms

EKG Daily Drill

Practice EKG interpretation with a daily dose of three tracings.

Daily EKG Drill

EKG Basic Quiz

Free standardized tests for classroom use. A report is displayed at the test's conclusion. Students tested on normal sinus rhythm, sinus tachycardia, sinus bradycardia, sinus arrhythmia and asystole.

5 questions

EKG Second Quiz

Students tested on normal sinus rhythm, sinus tachycardia, sinus bradycardia, sinus arrhythmia, asystole, ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, junctional escape rhythm, pacemaker rhythm and premature ventricular complex.

10 questions

More Free Resources

Our sister website,, provides free lessons and quizzes for heart and lung sounds, taking blood pressure and medical terminology.

Heart Sounds

We present normal first and second heart sounds, split first and second heart sounds, third heart sounds, innocent murmurs and exercise related fast heart sounds.

Heart Sounds

Basics of Lung Sounds

We focus on describing eight key lung sounds with text and audio.

Basics of Lung Sounds


The basic principles of a sphygmomanometer and its use.

BP Overview

Medical Terminology

Medical Dictionary

Our concise summary of essential medical prefixes, suffixes and combining forms. Hosted on our EasyAuscultation website. More content to come over the next year!

Medical Dictionary

Medical Word Parts

A quick reference for our selected medical terms and word parts. Lists by body system as well as alphabetic access. Hosted on our EasyAuscultation website.

Medical Word Parts

Authors and Sources

Authors and Reviewers


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