EKG Quizzes


Learn EKG interpretation skills easily with our drills and quizzes. These quizzes have been designed by our author's to supplement their online, classroom and clinical materials. We offer general quizzes and quizzes focused by medical specialty as well as quizzes that focus on specific types of EKG abnormalities (e.g. Ventricular Rhythms).

EKG Practice Drills

ekg interpretation quiz intro

EKG Standard Quizzes

Free standardized tests for classroom use. A report is displayed at the test's conclusion. In the five question quiz, students are tested on normal sinus rhythm, sinus tachycardia, sinus bradycardia, sinus arrhythmia, and asystole. In the 10 question quiz, we keep the above EKG categories and add these: ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, junctional escape rhythm, pacemaker rhythm and premature ventricular complex.

5 Question Quiz  

10 Question Quiz  

Users enrolled in our membership plans can also use the 15 question quiz

15 Question Quiz  

EKG Drills

Two new EKG drills are available to registered users (including free users). Scores are not saved, so use these drills for informal practice!


A certificate with user's name, quiz date, score and quiz title is saved to the user's dashboard. Earned certificates can be printed on demand. Users must be registered and signed-in to access their user dashboard.

Quiz List

We are creating EKG quizzes tailored to specific medical professions. These are our first set of quizzes.

Authors, Reviewers and Developers EKG rhythms classes: Thomas O'Brien.
EKG monitor simulation: Steve Collmann
12 Lead Lecture: Dr. Michael Mazzini, MD, Cardiologist.
Spanish EKG: Breena R. Taira, MD, MPH
Medical review: Dr. Jonathan Keroes, MD, Cardiologist,
Dr. Barbara Erickson, PhD, RN, CCRN.
EKG tracings medical review: Dr. Pedro Azevedo, MD, Cardiology
Last Update: 11/7/2022

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