Quick Check 4-6 - Bundle Branch Block

Question #4

bbb ecg image q4

Identify the branch bundle block.

Left BBB Correct!

Right BBB Incorrect.

Not BBB Incorrect.

Question #5

bbb ecg image q5

Identify the branch bundle block.

Left BBB Incorrect.

Right BBB Correct!

Not BBB Incorrect.

Question #6

bbb ecg image q6

Identify the branch bundle block.

Left BBB Incorrect.

Right BBB Correct!

Not BBB Incorrect.

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Authors and Reviewers


? onAr:0 | v:0 | onPs:2
pu? False | pv:1
pLen: 0 | nLen 1 | cCode:
| debug: | debugCtr: 0 | localNlen: 1;

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