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Terminology 315 - Ventricular Rhythms

Part 1

Regardless of rhythm category, morphology of waveforms and pattern of occurrence are important aspects to include in an accurate interpretation.

Unifocal – abnormal complexes are of the same shape
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Multifocal – abnormal complexes are of two or more different shapes. This indicates the impulse causing the PVC’s are coming from different locations.
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Bigeminy – abnormal complexes occur every second complex
ventricular ecg image

Trigeminy– abnormal complexes occur every third complex
ventricular ecg image 2

Part 2

Regardless of rhythm category, morphology of waveforms and pattern of occurrence are important aspects to include in an accurate interpretation.

Quadrigeminy– abnormal complexes occur every fourth complex
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Couplet – Two PVC’s together
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Run of Ventricular Tachycardia
(V Tach) – Three or more PVC’s in a row at a rate of 100 bpm or greater. Also known as Triplet PVC’s or Salvo PVC’s
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