Quiz 1 - Arterial Blood Gas

Question #1

You are asked to obtain arterial blood from a 60-year-old patient receiving mechanical ventilation. Which of the following is the preferred artery?

A. femoral
B. brachial
C. dorsalis pedis
D. radial

Question #2

When obtaining blood from the radial artery, which of the following is the ideal angle of entry (in degrees)?

A. 20 - 35
B. 30 - 45
C. 45 - 60
D. 90

Question #3

Which of the following is not a possible hazard associated with arterial puncture?

B. hemorrhage
C. infection
D. air contamination

Question #4

Which of the following is the preferred needle size when obtaining blood from the radial artery (in gauge)?

A. 18 - 20
B. 20 - 22
C. 22 - 23
D. 25

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